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Eco - Christmas gift ideas in zero and less waste style

through Biogo Biogo 21 Dec 2022 0 comments
Eco - Geschenkideen zu Weihnachten im Zero und Less Waste Stil
  • What do Christmas presents have to do with the environment?
  • Ecological Christmas present - what does that mean?
  • Ideas for eco gifts
  • Natural cosmetics, essential oils and natural scented candles
  • Eco gifts under the Christmas tree for children
  • Eco gifts for Christmas - why is it worth it?


In the approaching Christmas season we are "assaulted" from everywhere by Christmas decorations, ornaments and carols, decorated shop windows and shelves in supermarkets groaning under the weight of possible Christmas gifts, all kinds of decorative snowmen, Santa Clauses, elves, reindeer, baubles and glowing ones Lights remind us that it is high time to choose gifts for the Christmas tree. Choosing the right gift for immediate and extended family can be a real headache for many of us. What to choose from the sea of products that are available literally at the touch of a button and flood us from every store shelf so that the gift turns out to be successful, useful and not thrown in the bin?

What do Christmas presents have to do with the environment?

Over the past few decades, we've learned to live in a world where overconsumption has become the norm - it's easier for us to buy something new than to try to fix an old one. By the way, unfortunately, we produce tons of unnecessary garbage that will be in landfills for the next ten, maybe even hundreds of years. And unfortunately, missed Christmas presents very often contribute to the fact that mountains of unnecessary garbage grow. For example, it's estimated that Americans throw up to $16 billion worth of unwanted gifts in the trash every year (results of a survey conducted by Pureprofile . The same survey shows that up to 46% of unwanted items are clothing).


Luckily, the moment has come when we have started to think about our impact on the natural environment and the green lifestyle trend is becoming more common and the movements towards less and zero waste are not just a fad for more and more people, but more importantly, a way of functioning in today's world. So let's see how to choose Christmas gifts in a zero waste spirit.

Ecological Christmas present - what does that mean?

An ecological zero waste gift is above all one that goes down well and is of benefit to the recipient. If it is important to us not to waste electricity and water and not to leave an unnecessary carbon footprint, we will not buy things that are unnecessary. Thoughtful gifts help minimize waste. It is important to ensure that they consist of high-quality natural raw materials, are biodegradable or compostable. They can be reusable gifts, wrapped without plastic. Among the eco-friendly gifts there will be both edible products and those that provide an opportunity to participate in an interesting event or experience something new.

Ideas for eco gifts

Ecological zero-waste style gifts will primarily be those whose use will help us reduce the amount of waste we produce:

  • thermos, Thermal mug, thermal bottle for children - a perfect gift idea for any coffee or tea lover - this gift will be appreciated by schoolchildren, students and people who work outside the home or who commute long winter hours on public transport to work or school. Instead of buying coffee to go in a plastic Styrofoam cup, we can make our favorite drink at home and take it with us, literally, anywhere. You can also ask for coffee in your own cup while you're out and about in the city. Nowadays this trend is very common,
  • water bottle - always carried in a handbag helps to significantly reduce situations where we are forced to buy water or other beverages in plastic bottles,
  • The lunch box , reusable food container and a set of wax wraps - reusable packaging not only allows us to save the environment, but can also encourage us to prepare healthy snacks in it instead of buying the mostly plastic-packed and not necessarily healthy snacks, and we save money at the same time.


The most zero-waste gifts will be those made from natural foods and local delicacies:

  • Tee , Coffee - wonderfully fragrant, organic coffee roasted in beans , traditional organic black tea or a whole range of teas, for example white, black and green, or fruits, such as Strawberry Vanilla Tea or Wintertee, packaged in biodegradable packaging, they certainly won't go to waste,
  • a canned food set, jams or honey - packed in jars they are a healthier alternative to traditional sweets, chocolate and other sweets wrapped in plastic.

Natural cosmetics, essential oils and natural scented candles

Although we don't necessarily think about it every day, it turns out that many popular cosmetics also contain microplastic particles, for example in scrubs. Instead, we can choose natural cosmetics in the cube, e.g.

  • balm or bar of shampoo,

or natural cosmetics, made according to traditional recipes, nourishing soaps, e.g.:

  • Moroccan Black Soap ,
  • Marseille soap ,
  • Aleppo soap .

We also associate Christmas with scents - a house full of tangy vanilla or citrus aromas evokes a warm, festive, family atmosphere. One of the ideas for an ecological gift could be to his loved one giving essential oils that not only smell nice, but also support our health. In winter, when we are particularly exposed to viruses and colds, oils with bactericidal and antiseptic properties, e.g.

  • Cinammon,

On the other hand, the relaxing and relaxing oils:

  • Orange,
  • lavender,
  • from bergamot,
  • made of sandalwood.

Eco gifts under the Christmas tree for children

More and more people try to live ecologically and pass these values on to their children. Although raising a child in the ecological style may seem simple and natural, contrary to usual patterns, it requires a lot of effort, time and swimming against the current on the part of the parents. Easy access to the ubiquitous sea of plastic that inundates us from every store shelf and lots of inferior toys definitely make zero-waste education difficult. What Christmas present works for a child if we don't want them quickly ending up in a landfill with other plastic waste? It is well known that plastic has a negative impact on the environment. It can also affect health due to the chemical additives it contains. Therefore, instead of plastic toys, let's choose those made of wood and other natural materials:

  • Puzzle,
  • sensory boards,
  • Blocks,
  • family games, e.g. B. Jenga, lady,
  • chopping vegetables,
  • instruments,
  • Dolls and stuffed animals made from natural materials - made in muted colors that do not stimulate the senses.


Finally, it is worth mentioning a gift related to a specific experience, it can be an invitation, for example:

  • to the theatre,
  • to the concert,
  • to the trampoline park,
  • for a cooking class.

Eco gifts for Christmas - why is it worth it?

The need to give Christmas gifts is very ingrained in our culture, but this year let's try to pay special attention to the meaning of the purchase. The production of excessive amounts of garbage, as well as the accumulation of unnecessary things, contribute significantly to the pollution of the planet, the creation of smog and other toxic waste. Fortunately, terms such as “ecological”, “less waste” or “zero waste” are firmly established in everyday language. More and more of us are becoming aware of the magnitude of the pollution problem. By making lifestyle changes, including carefully selecting ecological Christmas gifts, we not only contribute to protecting the environment, but also pass our care and knowledge on to others. Positive changes associated with an ecological lifestyle are best started in the immediate environment.

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